
Unveiling the Mystery of 108 Mala Beads: A Journey to Enlightenment

Author Teresa Mayville Round
Teresa Mayville

Have you ever wondered why traditional mala beads have 108 beads? This seemingly ordinary number holds profound meaning in the realms of mathematics, astronomy, and spirituality. This article delves into the magick of 108, revealing its powerful connection to the universe and your path to enlightenment.

Why 108 mala beads (1)

Table of Contents

The Mathematical Magic of 108

108 isn’t just a random number. It’s the product of the first three consecutive natural numbers (1 x 2 x 3), symbolizing the beginning, middle, and end of creation. Additionally, 108 is a Harshad number, divisible by the sum of its digits (1 + 0 + 8 = 9), representing completeness and balance.

Aligning with the Cosmos: Astronomical Significance

The number 108 is about more than creation; it’s woven into the fabric of our Solar System. Here’s where it gets fascinating:

  • The average distance between Earth and the Sun, divided by the Sun’s diameter, equals 108 (approximately).


  • The exact ratio holds true for the Earth and the Moon (Earth-Moon distance divided by the Moon’s diameter).


  • Interestingly, the Sun’s diameter is roughly 108 times Earth’s diameter.


These remarkable ratios showcase the intricate balance and harmony within our Solar System, which is crucial for life on Earth.

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The Celestial Dance: Sun, Moon, and the Mystery of 108

From Earth’s perspective, the seemingly coincidental similarity in size between the Sun and Moon holds profound implications for life on our planet. While the Sun is vastly larger, its immense distance creates a celestial illusion where it appears roughly the same size as the Moon in our sky. This specific size ratio is crucial for Earth’s delicate balance.

  • Solar Sustenance: If the Moon appeared larger, signifying a more distant Sun, we wouldn’t receive the necessary warmth and light for life to thrive. The Sun’s rays are essential for photosynthesis, driving the entire food chain on Earth.

  • Lunar Influence: Conversely, a Sun appearing larger could indicate a farther Moon. This, in turn, would disrupt the Moon’s stabilizing effect on Earth’s axis. Earth would experience extreme axial tilt without the Moon’s gravitational pull, resulting in drastic seasonal changes. Imagine permanent ice caps at the poles and scorching deserts at the equator!

  • The Rhythms of Life:  The Moon’s cycle of roughly 28 days (lunation) is intricately linked to female fertility and animal gestation periods across the globe. A human baby is born after 10 lunations, highlighting this deep connection. Without this lunar influence, reproduction could be significantly impacted.


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A Symphony of Light and Gravity: The Significance of 108

The Sun and Moon, often called the luminaries, engage in a celestial dance that sustains life on Earth. Their seemingly arbitrary size ratio and gravitational influence on our planet are anything but coincidental. This intricate balance resonates with 108, a number with profound meaning in various cultures.

While science is still unraveling the full extent of this cosmic connection, the 108 beads of a mala can remind us of the delicate balance that fosters life on Earth. Each repetition of a mantra during meditation becomes a tribute to the harmonious dance of the Sun, Moon, and the divine Source of existence.

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Spiritual Ascension: The Power of 108

In Hinduism, 108 resonates with Shakti, the goddess of creation, power, and transformation. Additionally, there are 108 Upanishads, ancient scriptures containing profound spiritual wisdom.

Many believe each mala bead represents a facet of the universe. Using a mala with 108 beads becomes a symbolic journey towards your higher self, a path to unite with the divine. This aligns beautifully with the Hindu trinity:

  • Brahma (1): The creator, representing oneness and ultimate truth.

  • Shiva (0): The destroyer, symbolizing the space beyond creation, emptiness, and the Source.

  • Vishnu (8): The preserver, signifying the cyclical nature of the universe and infinity.


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Embrace Your Journey: Final Thoughts

While there’s no single answer to the significance of 108 beads, each explanation adds depth and meaning to the practice. Ultimately, your mala represents your unique path to enlightenment. With each mindful repetition of a mantra, you embark on a magical 108-step journey toward self-discovery and spiritual awakening.


Browse meaningful malas handcrafted by me just for you and your intentions.

Mala Blessings, Love, and Light,

Teresa Mayvville, MscD

Teresa Mayville, MscD, is a Doctor of Metaphysics specializing in Gemstone Healing, Tarot, and Spirit Guides. She has guided individuals on their journeys of self-discovery and energetic healing for over twenty years. Visit and YouTube for more information on mantra meditation and other energetic practices, and explore her books on Amazon.

